Thursday, April 29, 2010

my me day

One day a week I have both the kids in kindy/childcare. It's usually the day when I run around like a crazy woman trying to achieve a to-do list the length of my arm. Most times I get to the end of the day and feel deflated - only managing to cross 1 or 2 things off my impossible list of expectations.

Yesterday was not one of those days. Instead I wrote the day off to Mummy well being. It went like this.

  • Drop kids off to kindy & childcare.
  • Haircut (also involving coffee, trashy magazine reading & plenty of child-free chit chat)
  • Leave salon feeling polished & presentable
  • Pop into vintage clothing store & try on retro frocks (almost purchase but still wearing sensible hat at this stage)
  • Head to favourite cafe for leisurely lunch & cappuccino while reading the local paper front to back
  • Pop into 2 favourite op shops (thrift stores) and find a few gems

  • Feeling like a million bucks with new hair cut decide to ramp it up at the end of the day and hit the shops. After a 15 minute power shop exit the store with 2 dresses & 2 orange cardigans... woo hoo!
  • Pick up the kids a new Mum. Happy. Refreshed. Recharged. Bit more spunky :)

This is a highly recommended way to occasionally spend your child free day!


Barb Fisher - Hopscotch said...

Oh how delicious! My little one has recently started a day or two of childcare and like you, it's normally a rush around to get all non-3-year-old-friendly activities done. Last week, I accidentally spent half the day shopping - and was a new woman! I'd never taken the time just for me before, and it was a revelation. I say hooray to us, a happy mummy means a happy household.

Siobhán said...

Well done you! A day like that really does you the world of good sometimes. I tried the other day when my 2.5-year old was in nursery school, but I think having the 4.5-month old with me still managed to cramp my style! Soon ...

fede said...

Happy Mum - Happy House!! So So TRUE. My mood can has such an impact and influence on everyone else in the house - including DH - he gets to reap the rewards of a mum day too!
Hope you both enjoy some pampering this Sunday for Mothers Day :)


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