We are now 10 days into our new adventure as a family of five. So far Miss Quinn is proving to be the cruisiest of our three newborns and has consequently slotted into the family like she has always been here. The sleep deprivation third time around for me seems to be more tolerable - infact I'm strangely enjoying those quiet moments in the middle of the night when it is just her & I.... sigh...
Now if I can just sort out a few dodgy boob things with the feeding we'll be sweet!
Oh and this means I've accomplished number 16 on my 40 before 40 list.

Fe she is gorgeous! Dx
You can probably hear the grandmotherly coo-ing noises coming through your screen. She's absolutely adorable. Congratulations and best wishes from Brisbane.
Congratulations Fiona! She's simply gorgeous (love her name too)! x
Congratulations! Quinn Alice is such a pretty name and she is indeed perfect! Such a major achievement to tick of your list! (*o*)/
Congratulations! She's a little cutie and that last pic of her and Ruby is toooo adorable.
What a beautiful baby. I'm sure you probably realise that though!
so amazingly gorgeous! huge congrats to you all : )
Congratulations what an achievement. I love that you are enjoying those quiet moments with Quinn, and what an outstanding name.
Hi Fiona,
We are huge fans of fede + design + textiles over at Glam Media! We’re one of the top 10 online media companies in the US and would love for you to help pilot our new Family Blogging Community, slated to launch in the coming months.
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