There was a last minute change of design with these pants. I had planned to make them in a dark blue denim until yesterday morning. While dressing Sachin in a pair of old jeans he announced "no not these, I want soft ones". Soft ones hey? He's practical just like his Dad. So the re-think began. Had to find something in the stash as I only had last night to get them finished (tonight I'm packing to go away for a few days).

Ta da! Plain but with a little pocket flair on the back courtesy of a thrifted retro bed sheet. It makes me laugh that he has a pair of personalised pants with his initials on the back. Of course he doesn't yet appreciate his mothers genius... but he will :)
I'm not sure why I was so scared of the whole pattern thing. These Hipsters for Slimsters were simple and very straight forward and they fit just as I imagined they would. Perfect pants for slim children with no hips. I plan to make more now that I've mastered the first pair.
I really wish I had an extra couple of days to work on some other ideas floating around in my head. Thanks to Meg I think I have discovered a whole new sewing world.... I'll start with the kids then maybe get enough confidence to try adult clothes next.

They are wonderful! Love the colors. He looks like he loves them too :)
I have a weekly Thursday blog party especially for people to share things they've made to be worn. Stop by if you'd like!
These pants are great - the sheet for the pockets is a real find!
I have a few baby's fabric books aside for that sort of use too.
These look great and I like the pocket detail! Thanks for the pattern tip off, my son is on the skinny bum side too, so I'll certainly be looking these up.
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