It's been a tough week for so many Australians who have been touched by the Victorian Bushfires. As a dry & hot nation we are accustomed to fires during our summer months but never has it hit as hard and ferociously as it did last Saturday night. My heart goes out to all of those who have lost family or friends, or who are left with the scars & terrifying memories of surviving Australia's worst ever natural disaster.
To be honest, and I know this probably sounds a little crazy, I've been avoiding this post as I feel my writing skills are not honed enough to sufficiently put into words the devastation. It breaks my heart to think of the children who have lost so much. Lost their mums or dads, or both. Lost brothers, sisters, nanas, pops, cousins, school friends, teachers, pets etc. How do you explain this to a child? As a Mum, I can't imagine how I would deal with this. All for what? For a very sad individual to get their thrills. One arsonist has been arrested today with a continuing investigation taking place to find others responsible for starting the fires, which continue to blaze and threaten country Victoria.
On a brighter note, I'd like to share these links with you. There are some amazing people out there rallying around to help raise money and assist those in need. The recommended way to contribute right now is to donate money. Go to the Australian Red Cross website for details on how you can do this.
Here, Emma so eloquently writes much of what I've been thinking. And yes! I agree Emma -now as Mum, I'm the sobbing red-eyed mess you find in the cinema when the lights go on. It doesn't take much to get me going!
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