Wednesday, March 19, 2008

sewing sewing sewing.....and more sewing

It continues to fathom me just how much information is available online. I have to embarrassingly admit that I would be a sad little monkey without my laptop & connection to the world wide web. Never in a million years would I have imagined myself saying that, so there you go.....I have admitted it (isn't that the first therapy step to any addiction?) oh my how things change! I've found these great sewing blogs & thought that you might like to check them out. Amongst the always interesting ramblings of everyday life they offer some helpful ideas & inspirations to get your creative fingers twitching.

There's always new techniques that can be learned by even the most experienced scissor fingers. I'm a home taught sewer - my Mum and Nana were my teachers as a young girl. I remember spending hours with Nana learning how to knit and hand sew. Many a fancy stitched doily was created - I wonder where they are now???? Mum guided me as I learned to machine sew the tiniest, fiddliest baby clothes for my little sister's Cabbage Patch can only imagine the tears and tantrums when my overly ambitious creations simply could not be accomplished at such a small scale. Funny enough, I still have those overly ambitious ideas... and the odd tanty...some things never change! The thing I would love to learn now is how to work from patterns & then in turn move on to drafting my own designs. This is on my very long list of "things to do". One day!

Sew, Mama, Sew! Products Tips Stories Contests

Sewing Spider Extraordinary finds for people who love sewing
(this is not a blog but a great reference)

Sew-Mad Musings & Makings

sewing in the 21st century unspeakable visions of the individual (jack keroauc)

Sew Stylish created by helen

Material Mama

Sew Fussy

TURN & PRESS Inspirations & aspirations of a beginning seamstress
(look in the Etsy Finds category for a little feature on my fede work)
Stop staring & start sewing Because it's fun!

The Sewing Divas Sewing Design Fashion

Work In Progress I'm a wife, mom of 3 girls & when I'm not in the car or feeding people....I craft

The Domestic Diva

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